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Nanotechnologies are at the origine of a technological development, which will revolutionize many sectors. Nanotechnologies refer to any technological development using the scale of the nanometer, that is to say atoms or small molecules.

Nowadays, South Korea is one of the first leader of the world in nanotechnology, at the 4th rank, better than France or the United-Kingdom. These excellent results are due to the important investments of the Korean government.

The nanotechnology can be used in different and various ways: first of all, nanotubes offer the possibilty of improving the effectiveness of current technological materials. Moreover, the nanotechnology able to operate by new therapeutic methods and new drug. These new methodes will be probably experimented and applied in particular instituts, for an example, the Institut Pasteur, which has settled in South Korea in the French Korean collaboration.

The nanotechnology is the next step of technology and will be able to pool the scientific knowledge from all the continents.